Perfect Pop Creations

Written by on September 9, 2024

“Unveiling the Magic: How ‘Star Light’ Was Created – The Untold Story Behind the Song!”



Starlight by Barbara Craig Ft Prezzaman

A special place in my heart

I’m so excited to share the story behind Starlight, a track that holds a special place in my heart. It all first started off when I was walking home and saw a warm Christmas Star lit up on a window sill. I knew the moment I saw that star in the window at Christmas – I had to write a song about it. When I was writing Starlight, I wanted to capture those quiet, magical moments we experience under the night sky too. You know, the times when the world feels still, and it’s just you and your thoughts, looking up at the stars and dreaming about everything that could be.


Inspiration Behind Starlight

The inspiration for Starlight came from those late-night moments of reflection—the times when I’d gaze at the stars and feel both small and infinite at the same time. It’s a song about hope, longing, and chasing your dreams, no matter how distant they might seem. For me, there’s something incredibly comforting about the idea that we’re all connected under the same stars, each of us on our own journey, but guided by the same light.

A lot of the lyrics were drawn from my own experiences—moments of doubt, moments of hope, and the realisation that dreams, much like star light, might seem far away but are always there if you keep believing in them.

Creating the Sound of Starlight


When it came to the music, I really wanted Starlight to feel like a sonic escape. I’ve always been drawn to dreamy, atmospheric sounds, so I leaned into that for this track, blending elements of dream-pop and synth wave to create a sound that feels nostalgic but also fresh. The 80s have always been a big influence on my music, and you can definitely hear that in the shimmering synths and the overall vibe of the song.

For me, the production was just as important as the lyrics. I wanted the music to take listeners on a journey—something that would transport them to a different place, much like staring up at the night sky or looking at the sea can make you feel like you’re almost in another world.

Themes of Hope and Connection


At the heart of Starlight is the idea of connection and the pursuit of dreams. I wanted the song to be a reminder that no matter how far away your dreams might seem, they’re never out of reach. It’s about holding onto hope, even when things feel uncertain. Much like stars, our dreams can guide us, even when we can’t always see the path clearly.
The song reflects my own journey of self-discovery and the belief that even in the darkest times, there’s always light to be found if you’re willing to look for it.


A Fan-Favourite and Performing Starlight Live

Since releasing Starlight, I’ve been blown away by the love it’s received. There’s something so special about seeing people connect with the lyrics and the energy of the song in real-time. It’s always one of those moments during a show that feels truly magical.
In the end, Starlight is about finding light in the darkest moments and remembering that your dreams are always within reach, even if they feel distant. I hope when you listen to it, it transports you to that place of reflection and hope, and reminds you that we’re all under the same stars, chasing our own dreams.

Different Variations of Starlight exist!

Starlight with Prezzeman is featured Uk Talk Radio with a super great rap.


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Freedom Is A Moment Away!

Barbara Craig explains the meaning behind the song


When I was working on I wanted to create a sound that felt both nostalgic and fresh at the same time. The 80s synth vibe has always been such a big influence on me, but I didn’t want it to sound like I was just recreating that era. I needed it to feel current, modern, and relevant to today’s listeners, while still giving that nod to the retro sound that so many of us love. It’s like I wanted to give people something familiar but also surprise them with something new.

Incorporating those retro elements was key, but blending them with modern production techniques was the real challenge—and freedom for me. The song became a musical emancipation. It’s like merging “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue” to create something that everyone could connect to, no matter what era they vibe with. For me, “Freedom” is about that perfect balance between the past and the present, and how liberating it can be to step into a sound that’s both timeless and current.

“Freedom” is also about reinventing yourself and stepping into a new chapter of life. It’s a reminder that no matter what has happened in the past, it doesn’t have to define you or hold you back. We all go through experiences that can weigh us down, but “Freedom” is about choosing to rise above them, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to move forward with a sense of renewal.

Celebration of reinvention

For me, this song is a celebration of that reinvention, of starting fresh and embracing the possibility of what’s next. It’s about refusing to let past events or mistakes keep you stuck. Instead, it’s about using those experiences as stepping stones toward something greater, trusting that every part of your journey leads to growth and self-discovery. “Freedom” is about liberation—not just from others, but from our own doubts and fears—and moving confidently into a new, empowered version of ourselves.

The music for “Freedom” needed to strike a balance—it had to feel cheerful but also carry a serious undertone that reflects the depth of the lyrics. That’s where the synths come in, providing a bright, uplifting vibe, but with enough gravity to support the themes of transformation and empowerment. I wanted the sound to reflect the freedom and optimism of moving forward, while still acknowledging the struggles that brought you to that point.

“Freedom” is not just about musical exploration; it’s deeply personal for me. The song represents breaking free from relationships and situations that no longer serve you, whether they’re romantic or even internal struggles. It’s about shedding those layers and reconnecting with who you truly are. I wanted to capture that feeling of reliving your youth, that moment when you trust your intuition, and embrace who you’re becoming.

The repetition of “I’m finally me” at the end of the song—it’s no accident that I sing it four times. It’s a mantra, a declaration, and a form of manifestation. It’s about believing in yourself, trusting your journey, and realizing that everything you’ve been through brings you closer to the person you were always meant to be. For me, “Freedom” is about the empowerment that comes from accepting and loving who you are, and celebrating the freedom to be authentically yourself.

Collaboration With Prezzman


I was lucky that Prezzaman wanted to do a new take on the Freedom song. When Prezzaman did a rap version of “Freedom,” he brought a new unique twist to it. His version adds a little Irish flavour, especially in the part where he sings about being in Dublin. It gave the track an unexpected, fresh layer that complements the overall theme of personal liberation and global connection. His take brought in a different cultural vibe, while still maintaining the core message of the song.

With “Freedom,” my hope is that it not only helps you break free from whatever might be holding you back but also fills you with a renewed sense of joy. It’s more than just a song about liberation; it’s about finding happiness and lightness on the other side of that freedom. I want listeners to feel uplifted and inspired, to embrace the joy that comes from reclaiming their own power and starting fresh.

Ultimately, I hope “Freedom” empowers you to trust yourself, live authentically, and rediscover the joy that comes from fully embracing who you are.

The Song Creation

Written, Performed & Produced by Prezzaman & Barbara Craig, Music by Barbara Craig, Mixed & Mastered by Gary Webster at Sunlight Studio Gillingham, Kent


See Also these two songs In The Uk Talk Radio Voting Chart


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