Fly Away!

Written by on July 13, 2023

‘Fly Away’ by Rodney Standlee


Singer RODNEY STANDLEE talks about ‘fly Away’

I originally titled the song caterpillar as a kids song. I am changing the title to Fly Away since it may be a more appropriate title commercially. This may clear up any confusion concerning the streaming service title.

I wrote this song one morning when watching a caterpillar slowly crawl along the pavement on my back porch. I went on about my morning chores and 2 hours later that caterpillar was still walking slowly along. We all know what his end goal is to become a butterfly and fly away. In that caterpillar there is a life lesson for all of us.

Life’s Lesson In The Song

This song is a lesson in patience when trying to achieve a goal. Enjoy the journey and learn from the experiences. In the end you will know there were reasons for the challenges you faced and it will have been worth all of them when you finally achieve your dreams.


The Music Of Rodney Standlee


Rodney Standlee On Boombox


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